Dude the Cat

Dude adopted me.  He just showed up one day and would not leave.
I knew there was something special about this cat when he
absolutely insisted on sharing my Doritos with me one night while I was having dinner. 

Harry | K.C. | Dude | Teddy | Boots | Sammy | Dugan | Rocky

Dude will do anything for a piece
of Jalepeño Pepper Cheese,
or some good Colby.
He will jump up in a chair on command and sit, forever patiently, though not quietly,
waiting for his reward. 

Dude got the wacky right ear from ear mites.
Make sure you treat your pets.


Dude follows me and Rose around like a puppy dog, he comes when you call him.  He lets you know when he wants 'out'.  He comes to the window of the room that you are in and scratches on the glass to let you know when he wants 'in'…

Harry | K.C. | Dude | Teddy | Boots | Sammy | Dugan | Rocky

He's twelve years old and going strong.  He doesn't like Rocky...yet.  He's actually kind of amazing.

Harry | K.C. | Dude | Teddy | Boots | Sammy | Dugan | Rocky

Harry | K.C. | Dude | Teddy | Boots | Sammy | Dugan | Rocky

Web Page by: Kraig Bergeron www.iGrafixx.com © 2008